
A fresh perspective to

Marketing & Sales Strategy

Marketing and sales as inextricably linked. The conversation with the prospect starts on the very first ad and continues to the sale conversion. The story doesn't end there, marketing has an important place in creating higher lifetime value with current customers.

Unlike many traditional approaches that treat sales and marketing as separate entities, XAQ10 integrates these two vital functions. It acknowledges their interdependence and encourages synergy, fostering more efficient and effective business operations.

  • Brand story. We help you craft and test a compelling brand story that speaks to your prospects and customers at an emotional level..
  • Tactics. We've developed and tested proven tactics and tools for implimenting your strategy..
  • Measurement. We have a framework for measuring strategy effectiveness to reassess tactics dynamically..
  • Implimentation. We work with you as a partner to impliment your strategy, coach your team, and coordinate tactics across teams and stakeholders..

No strategy? No problem.

We work with growth-focused businesses that want to scale with marketing. Our strategies are customized to your resources, current tactics, and goals.

A dynamic strategy scales with you.

Our strategies are dynamic and holistic plans for business growth via marketing and sales. As you grow, the strategy adjusts to be more effective with your scaling resources and budgets.

Get Back To Innovating.
With A Dynamic Marketing & Sales Strategy

If you're unclear about the way to impliment your current strategy, or if it's even serving your goals, then let's talk about how a dynamic strategy can accelerate your growth.

The XAQ10 Strategy

Dynamic, Holistic, Executable

Let's get real – when it comes to building your brand, your strategy is your north star. It's what guides you through the murky waters of the market and leads you straight to success. And that's what the XAQ10 Strategy is all about. It's not just dynamic, it's also holistic and, most importantly, executable. It's your secret weapon to stay ahead in the ever-changing world of business. You bring the ambition, we'll bring the roadmap. Together, we'll chart a path that's uniquely yours.

Brand Story Development
Uncover the beating heart of your brand with our help. Together, we'll craft a resonating narrative that builds unshakeable connections with your audience.
Copywriting Examples
Experience copywriting that not only speaks but sings. We sell experiences with creativity, sass, and heart.
Creative Examples
Creativity here means dismissing the box entirely. We create bold designs and charming subtleties that bring your vision to life.
Measurement & KPIs
We simplify the data deluge, turning confusing numbers into actionable narratives. Keep your focus on what truly matters - growing your business.
Scaling Tactics
Reach new heights with our unique scaling tactics. We leverage your strengths and address your challenges to stimulate growth.
Growth Hacking
Break through growth ceilings with our innovative growth hacks. We provide smart and effective strategies to keep you ahead.
Offer testing
We'll help fine-tune your offers to make them irresistible. Together, we'll create enticing and unmissable propositions for your audience.
Dynamic Benchmarks
Set unique dynamic benchmarks that reflect your evolving goals. We'll accompany you on your journey, aiming not just to reach but to surpass these benchmarks.

Executing a strategy

Implimentation, Support, and Coaching

Having a masterful strategy in place is merely the first step on this journey. It sets the groundwork, but the true magic, the real transformation, comes to life in the execution. With us acting as your dedicated co-pilots, we will expertly navigate the often complex path of implementation. Our shared objective? To translate your ambitious plans into compelling, tangible actions that make a difference in the world and drive your business forward.

Having a partner for support matters. We're more than just strategists, we're your allies, there every step of the way. We troubleshoot the hurdles, celebrate the wins, and guide you through the journey.

Coaching is the foundation for building your team's capabilities. It's not about dictating steps; it's about empowering your team. We're focused on imparting knowledge and skills, encouraging self-sufficiency over dependence. By fostering these skills, we're not only boosting your team's current performance but also setting you up for future success.

But what about when things change? No worries. We embrace adaptation. Our strategies are dynamic, adjusting to new situations and scaling as you grow.

From start to finish, and beyond, we're here. Let's turn strategy into success - together.


On top of his game. Mr. Gaman [CEO of XAQ10] matches his extensive knowledge of digital marketing with a special twist of creativity. Online marketing is tricky and filled with a lot of companies that know how to use buzzwords...Gaman lives by practicing the very things others preach about.

Bart Kaspero

Frequently asked questions

Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support team by filling out the contact form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

What is a marketing and sales strategy?
A marketing and sales strategy is a comprehensive plan outlining your business's overall approach to reaching prospective customers and turning them into buyers of the products or services your company provides. This strategy considers all aspects of your business, from brand positioning and target audience to pricing and promotion, integrating them into a cohesive plan that drives growth.
How do you measure the effectiveness of a marketing and sales strategy?
The effectiveness of a marketing and sales strategy can be measured through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as lead generation, conversion rates, customer acquisition costs, customer lifetime value, and sales revenue. Regular monitoring and analysis of these metrics help in refining strategies and ensuring business goals are met.
How do you develop a successful marketing and sales strategy?
Developing a successful marketing and sales strategy involves understanding your business's unique selling points, defining your target audience, setting clear objectives, developing a plan for reaching your audience, and devising a methodology for measuring success. It also requires continuous evaluation and adjustment to stay aligned with your evolving business goals and market changes.
How does a dynamic marketing and sales strategy help in business growth?
A dynamic marketing and sales strategy is adaptive to changes in business environments and customer behaviors. It allows for quick shifts in tactics to seize new opportunities or address challenges, facilitating sustained business growth.
Why is aligning marketing and sales important?
Aligning marketing and sales is crucial to ensure a seamless customer journey. When these two functions work in tandem, they create a unified message that increases brand awareness, nurtures leads effectively, and shortens the sales cycle, leading to improved customer retention and revenue growth.
Can small businesses also benefit from a marketing and sales strategy?
Absolutely. Regardless of the size, every business can benefit from a well-structured marketing and sales strategy. For small businesses, such strategies can help define their brand, reach their target audience effectively, and compete successfully against larger players in their industry.

Request A Free Consultation

We'd love to hear more about your business and how we can help you grow. Please fill out the form below and we'll get back to you within 24 hours.